Well, Christian´s dinner was great--a wonderful salad, potatoes, pork ribs in a really great sauce, lots of wine and some yogurts for dessert. The funny thing is that Sang Kyoung doesn´t really eat pork but does when Christian cooks. After dinner we were all going to go to mass at 8 p.m. (the night before Easter) at the village church. When we got there, however, we found out that it was not until 10 so we were forced to go to the bar for two hours to bide our time. We went to the mass which was nice but I think Ina thought it was a bust as she thought what with Easter there should be more people--she counted only 45 and 7 of them were us. The mass was rather long what with the blessing of the holy water and all of the locals bringing up their empty Coke bottles and what not to be filled with said holy water.
We woke up to a light dusting of snow which really just made everything pretty and Christian, Ina, Sang Kyoung and I made the short walk (about 11) miles to Leon which is a nice city. We were able to check in at the albergue early. We were pleased to find that the dorms were separated for men and women which really reduced the snoring for us on the women´s side. We walked around Leon, had some drinks and tapas, went out to dinner, etc. The albergue in Leon is run by the nuns and they had a nice little end of evening prayer service last night at 9:30. I generally understand Spanish pretty well but I must say that these nuns spoke such a crystal clear Spanish that they might as well have been speaking English as it was so easy to understand.
Ina, sadly, had her camera stolen and Sang Kyoung´s broke so this morning we decided to have another easy day (about 14 miles) and instead of starting out early, went to El Corte Inglés Department store where they bought new cameras. Sang Kyoung also bought an incredibly enormous, gold colored, man´s Swatch watch that is hysterically funny due to her tiny arm. We have promised to ask her the time at least 5 times per day. A funny sidenote was when we were walking with Christian and Sang Kyoung offered him a cookie and he declined, Sang Kyoung said, ¨You should take it. I ate the pork¨." She says these things for my benefit as the English is rather lost on Christian. We got a late start from Leon but had a gorgeous day and a beautiful walk with lots of snow covered mountains in the distance. When we arrived in town a little while ago (Villar de Mazarife), Christian was waiting for us on the front porch with beer and dark chocolate. The woman who runs the place is making a paella dinner and Ina, Sang Kyoung and I have a load of clothes in the wash so we are pretty excited. Tomorrow we will go about 18 miles to the city of Astorga. It´s nice not having the super long days of walking and being able to relax.
Drat the late mass time! I'm so sorry you had to pass those few hours in a tapas bar. You know these posts are a book in the making and your pen name can be no other than Laura Camino. Can I be your agent? Can I at least throw a party for the book signing? Char
To think 11 to 14 miles would be considered a "short walk"...
Some questions for you: are you communicating in Spanish with your new friends or do they speak English?
During your solo walks, no friends, did you listen to an iPod or just the voices in your head?
Do these places you bunk at have blankets and pillows or are you carrying those as well?
Catherine will be joining you soon...can't wait to read about your antics together! Take care, Kathryn Greene
El Corte Ingles? What fun! That store conjures up such memories.
I'm amazed at you all. An experience of a lifetime. I thought you were slightly crazy before you left, now I'm thinking you are even more brilliant than I had realized.
And I'm with Char on this - you've got the start to a book here!
Jen Orr
so many want a book! I've always said this! How about "the gatekeepers son"....has a nice twist! I love ya lorchon! I wish I was with you! What a madcap time we would have. But then again, I'd see a moroccan and just run! ha ha I'm so proud of you. And hungry - I want Christians ribs! and the paella. Would you cart a pan across spain and bring it home with you? psych. No one gets my notes but I hope they bring a smile to your face. I miss you and hope we get together soon after your return. Love, Chan
P.s/ We had the annual adults only egg hunt at P&R's. I finally beat Soren. I got 43 eggs to his 22 and got 3 scratch off lottery cards. If I had won I would have quit my job and met you. I fear I didn't win but did get the grand prize of $100.00 We'll go to the Talbots outlet in Springfield and spend it on matching dresses when you get home.
I'm glad you added "ish" to your title, else we'd have to get real mad at you.
Also, am I the only woman that snores?
Potts, I just read your entire blog today and I am hooked! Even more hooked than I was during Jewel in the Crown :) I am so very jealous of your adventures.... you are MY hero. Your wonderful descriptions are really making me miss Spain! Can't wait to read more.... Decks
potts let me know on your blog where you will be the night of Friday, the 28th and saturday the 29th. i´m not accessing fcps email. leaving granada thursday morning with a night´s stay in baeza.
can´t wait! ccw
ps we loved antequera, our favorite!
by the way -- that post from lago was from CCW!!!!!
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