I had a fabulous time in Valladolid with my wonderful friends. Last night we all went to Maria Jose and Alberto´s house for my favorite Spanish meal. We had tons of really good food--kind of tapas style--big plates of jamon serrano, about 4 other cured meats, 3 or 4 kinds of cheese, empanadas, olives, lots of wine, other stuff that I´m forgetting. It was really fun and was so glad that I got to spend time with these amazing friends who always look after me so well when I visit. It was great to meet their wonderful girls who I had not met before. Another friend of ours, Cati, and her husband and child were out of town so sadly I missed them but apart from that, all was perfect. Some friends of this group were driving to Santander this morning so they drove me to Fromista (where I left the Camino on Tuesday) and dropped me off there as it was right on their way. I got started right where I left off on Tuesday. It seemed so strange though--just like I was starting over again. I felt a little bit lonesome as all of the other people that I passed on the Camino were strangers to me.
I had a pretty short walk to Carrion de los Condes (about 12 or 13 miles) and checked into the very nice albergue run by the Claras (nuns). Then I went into town and for once I was at a restaurant at an appropriate Spanish lunch time. It is a holiday here (Holy Thursday) and there were a lot of people out and about. It seems I picked the most poplular restaurant in town. It was super crowded and as a result I was seated at a table with others--this used to happen to me sometime when I lived here and I loved it. I sat across from an old local guy who eats at this restaurant everyday and as such often sits at the table for single diners and is accostomed to chatting with strangers. It seems all the others who sat around us were people on holiday from Madrid. So, I had some fun dining companions. I had a great meal--a garlic soup and then some very good beef--kind of like a stew, I guess. They also just plant a bottle of red wine in front of you and you can have what you like--the charge is the same whether you have one glass or say, three or four. I also had a tasty strawberry mousse dessert. It was a lovely meal and afterwards I headed back to the albergue to see some familiar faces. Some of the group from the "family" dinner that Alex made last week were there. Alex, German Elena, and the two Hungarian girls, Eva and Leda. I though these last two were students but no, we have a psychiatrist and a dentist so I guess if I go over the deep end, or chip a tooth, I´ll be in good hands. There is a mass tonight at the convent where we are staying but I¨m not sure if I´ll be able to stay awake for it. I had a late night in Valladolid last night and I´m very sleepy.
Oh, throughout this trip, I have carried my passport, credit card, larger bills, etc. in a safe place but have had change and spending money in a snack sized ziplock bag. Ina, I´m pretty sure, has been mortified every time I pull it out to pay. Today at a bar where I stopped for a coffee, the lady working there took pity on me and gave me a little coin purse with the name of the bar on it. It is the perfect size and I love it. I have clean clothes, a great room tonight (only three beds--no bunks--sharing with the Hungarian girls) and I have a wonderful coin purse. I´m very excited. I think I will do a long walk tomorrow (maybe 40 km from Carrion de Condes to Sahagun) --Oh, and tomorrow, I will pass the half way point. I can´t beleive it.
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays--I sure am. I think if I push it, I can be in Leon ( a great city) on Easter morning where I might catch up with some of the others.
1 comment:
A wonderful coin purse... Isn't it amazing how such small things can make one so happy! :o) I was relieved to hear that you are only at the half way point. I was starting to panic as I mentioned before. I forget you all have a much longer break than we do. Thanks for the morning pick me up. I'm off to vomiting children and surprise more laundry! Thanks for the sanity break!
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