This morning after waking up late--almost 7--I had breakfast with some of the group and said my goodbyes and then headed off on my own. The scenery over the last few days has been nice. I left the Basque Country several days ago and am now in Cantabria with rolling green hills and rocky coastlines. It´s lovely but maybe not as dramatically beautiful as the first week. The last couple of days have featured green hills dotted with small farms, villages, etc. but also dotted with housing developments as we are closer to Santander (a big city). It was a very short walk today as I walked a couple of hours and arrived at Somo to take the ferry over to Santander. I was delighted to see Manolo and Juan and their guide at the dock and we rode over on the boat together. On previous caminos they have had a guide for the whole route to help them but on this trip they have guides working in shifts. Juan has some sight so is able to fix meals at the albergues, etc. and help Manolo as needed. So, now I am in Santander and will, like last year, take the train to Valladolid to visit my friends, Maite and Maria Jose and their families. I´m looking forward to it. I will probably stay two or three days with them. I will then return to Santander and resume walking. Sadly, I´ll have fallen a few days behind the group but I guess it will be an opportunity to meet other interesting folks.
So glad to hear you and I have a better connection than you and old Italian men. ;-) Your friend with the Pall Malls sounds like someone to aspire to. I think she may have been a Breck Girl in her younger years. How are your knees holding up with the steep climbs and descends? Happy July 4th!
My knees are fine. I´m sure it´s all due to Larry´s work of a year and a half ago.
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