So, I haven´t written forever and I don't even remember which day I walked this leg but it was very long (that whole 27 miles in a day--never again--rule has fallen by the wayside). San V. turned out to be a great albergue and we had a great group dinner with about 25. I worked in the kitchen with Luis and his wife, Sofi, a retired couple from Santander who run the place. We had a ball. I started meeting a new crowd, to include Simona from Slovenia, and Daniel from Germany. Whereas in my old crowd, I was the youngest, I am decidedly the oldest in the new group (apart from Ettore, the slow walking but kind Italian man--Pia, you can jump in on this, or maybe Gepetto, but I´m guessing that Ettore might translate as Hector??). The following day I decided to walk about 40 km. and started out with a bit of rain but it soon cleared and I found myself walking the crest of some foothills between the Cantabrian Sea and the Picos de Europa mountains. For about an hour or so, I had the best views imaginable. I walked on a narrow farm road with the beautiful mountains to my left and looking down to my right I could see the gorgeous, green hills, small villages and deep blue sea. It was great. It was even great when I found myself at a dead end and had to double back and lost about 5 miles. It was, the prettiest stretch that I have walked. I got back on the right trail and chose the coastal route which was longer but (yes, VJVN, in the words of Frank D.) stunning. I continued to the town of Llanes on the coast but got word via a French guy that the albergue was full so I walked on to Poo--another mile or two and felt so lucky to find a bed at the albergue. I had ended up walking somewhere between 25-30 miles and I was worn out. There I met more of the young crowd to include, Aleix, from Barcelona and Lucas from France.
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